What a Life

and Other Stories


What a Life and Other Stories
C.M. Gyde Poulsen og E. Hvid. - 2. udg., 1. oplag. - [Kbh.] : Munksgaard, cop. 1977. - 116 sider : ill. ; 20 cm + bilag. - (Ekstensiv læsning for 8.-10. skoleår ; 3)
Bilag: Alfabetisk gloseliste, 16 sider
Indhold: John Symmonds: The disinherited. J.B. Priestley: What a life. Islwyn Williams: Will Thomas' cap. C.E. Eckersley: In the pub / by C.E. Eckersley & L.B. Seaman. Evelyn Waugh: Mr Loveday's little outing. H.E. Bates: Sugar for the horse. O. Henry (William Sidney Porter): The cop and the anthem. T. Thompson: The pedigree pub. Sacha Guitry: Villa for sale. Algernon Blackwood: Running Wolf